Sunday, September 6, 2009

1 Samuel 25 (Blue Letter Bible: KJV - King James Version)

1 Samuel 25 (Blue Letter Bible: KJV - King James Version)


debrah said...

Hey Lesllie I like you link- what a great study tool. I am so excited that you will be leading the discussion on Abigail. from the 1st three verses it seems like Abigail and her husband are like night and day.

debrah said...

Last night I read 1 Samuel 25 and what stood out to me this time was the Christ-like characteristics of Abigail...she willingly sought David and his men-she humbled herself and sought his mercy- she took the blame-she intervened on behalf of her husband and family- and because she did-David showed mercy& not wrath to all of her family.